Por Pedro Díaz

Fotos Pat Ford

Existen pocos fotógrafos en el mundo que arriesguen sus vidas para poder lograr tomar con su cámara una impresionante imagen que sea admirada y recordada a través del tiempo. Este es el caso del fotógrafo Pat Ford que estuvo a punto de ser devorado por un gigantesco tiburón tigre, uno de los animales marinos más agresivo del océano, durante una peligrosa sesión fotográfica.

Observe en una de las fotos como un descomunal tiburón tigre trató de arrancarle la cámara con sus afilados dientes. La valentia y proeza del fotógrafo Pat Ford es digna de admiración y respeto, especialmente por todas aquellas personas amantes de los deportes náuticos y las profundidades marinas. Estoy seguro que si el oceanógrafo francés Jacques Cousteau hubiera conocido a Pat Ford lo hubiera contratado para sus expediciones marinas.

The passion of a photographer in the deep sea

By Pedro Díaz

Pat Ford Pictures

There are few photographers in the world who risk their lives to be able to take with their camera an impressive image that is admired and remembered through time. This is the case of photographer Pat Ford who was about to be eaten by a giant tiger shark, one of the most aggressive marine animals in the ocean, during a dangerous photo shoot.

Notice in one of the photos how a huge tiger shark tried to rip the camera with its sharp teeth. The courage and prowess of photographer Pat Ford is worthy of admiration and respect, especially for all those people who love water sports and marine depths. I am sure that if French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau had met Pat Ford, he would have hired him for his marine expeditions.

Pat Ford grew up in the New York-New Jersey area, fishing for most anything he could find.  His talent for sports photography became apparent during his years as a Journalism major at Notre Dame. He wrote his first article for Salt Water Sportsman magazine in 1969 and has continued to provide stories and photos to literally every sport fishing publication ever since. Over the years Pat has held over two dozen IGFA world records and for the last decade he has been the chairman of the Golden Fly Invitational Tarpon Tournament which is held annually in Islamorada.  He is a Founding Member of the Bonefish Tarpon Trust and on their Advisory Board.  He served on the Board of Trustees of the American Fly Fishing Museum in Vermont. Now as a retired Miami trial attorney, he is an  International Game Fish Association Representative for North America.  He is the author of “THE BEST FLY FISHING TRIPS MONEY CAN BUY”(Stackpole 2006) and “FLY FISHING DAY DREAMS’ (Skyhorse Publishing, 2011).  Pat’s  tarpon photography is displayed in Andy Mill’s  “A PASSION FOR TARPON”( Wild River Press 2010) and he has contributed text, photographs and covers for dozens of other books. To see more of Pat’s work check out his website: patfordphotos.com