By Capt. Nestor Alvisa
Hooked on Flamingo Charter

As we enter September and October we get into the last month of summer and to the beginning of our Fall season. We start looking forward to the days ahead of cooler air and water temperatures. During September in Flamingo in September I’ll usually find plenty of snook and redfish around the beach and creek mouths. On a typical day out clients will usually be casting swim baits, live mullet or shrimp under popping corks. On flat days I’ll still try to venture out to any nearby rock pile or structure and give the permit a try as well.

On other days I’ll find myself offshore running Mahi trips we are mostly running and gunning looking for birds, seaweed patches, or any debris we can find out in the ocean. Once we find our object that is holding the mahi, my anglers will pitch out either a bucktail jigs or a live pilchard that will more often than not get turned down by a school of mahi.

In October, you’ll find me mostly fishing in Biscayne Bay fishing finger channels, patch reefs and small wrecks for mutton snapper, mangrove snapper and yellow jacks. Live chumming with pilchards will get the fish excited and willing to hit anything you throw at them.